3x6 @ 2x16kg
9x1 @ 35 lbs
60/60 @ 16kg
5 mins @ 32kg; 6 rpm
2 mins @ 32kg; 6 rpm
Ring Dips:
Later tonight:
1.5 hrs of parkour drills (jumping, sprinting, and climbing)
Skipped squats today to make room for the parkour drills. An old friend who has stuck with parkour and gymnastics stuff has been trying to get me back into this for awhile. I am not really wanting to make this the brunt of my training but it is nice as an aside since it combines some pretty decent bodyweight skills.
OALC felt like it needed to go heavier today so I obliged. 5 mins was not hard, at least at the slow 6 rpm pace I have decided on. Good training day.
6 mins @ 24kg; 7rpm
3x15 @ 24kg
Nice and easy lemon squeezy. Time to toss on the 20lbs pack for the pushups. OALC felt fantastic and easy. Still debating on whether or not to go to 32kg GSQ or do 2x24kg FSQ. Hmm....One would be for reps and the other would be in low rep ladders. Dunno.
LC: 5 mins @ 2x24kg; 6 rpm 3 mins @ 2x24kg; 8 rpm Jog: 30 mins @ easy pace LC felt good, I can tell that I am beat and outta practice but eh. I am going to try and stay steady at this. ***Left elbow was experiencing some very light twinges on the lockouts of the last set. Part of this was me overextending the arm some. After realizing that the pain went away. Dosing up with 1000mg of vitamin I and will keep an eye on it |