Sunday, July 10, 2011

13 mins @ 24kg; 6 rpm

4-5-6 @ 2x24kg

3x8 @ 16kg

This last week I have had a nagging feeling in my right elbow. It has been intermittent and mainly when I am driving the amberlamps or during the latter part of a long set of swings. I will roll out my forearms and lay low on the swing volume just in case. Will reasses in a week to see if something else needs to change. I know two lifters who have gotten major inflammation OR tendinitis and I refuse to have it cut my progress. If this means cutting volume and/or intensity sets then that is fine. Little progress beats sliding backward.

BW is 182 and climbing. Diet has been fairly healthy. Wife says it looks like and just getting more solid. No additional tub being added that I can see.

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