Friday, January 21, 2011

3x 4,5,6 @ 2x32kg; 45 reps

Played with dragon flags and windmills for cool down/core work.

***note to self: slow down on the coffee and drink some water you fucker. Once you hit 60 reps focus on regaining some mobility. You suck.*****

I was ready to go til I got home and the wife surprised me with lunch and other distractions. Took the wind out of my sails and I was not in the game with this session.

My left hip/lumbar/SI joint area is still a little peckish but it held up fine, that being said I did only my LC work. I think I know what I am doing to cause this injury. When I am dropping the bells from the lockout and catching them in the rack, there is very little tension in my abdominals. While I could get away with this at lighter weights it seems I have to nip this in the bud for the 32s. Looking over my log has shown that I have done no real core work for a long while. Now, I don't think it is absolutely necessary but I figure it couldn't hurt to work on stabilizing the area a bit more.

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