Monday, January 14, 2013

Long day.  Got word this afternoon at lunch that my mother had passed away.  Cardiac arrest.  Had good friends respond to the scene and did the best that could be asked of them.  110%.  Sometimes we beat death.  Most times we don't.  This time death won.  I shouldn't say that it was a surprise, but it still caught me unawares.

Cheesy as it is, and this might speak to how much I have drank tonight, but it's like in GS.  This one shot on the platform is all you get.  There are no do overs.  The set gets hard.  The legs start to give.  Focus leaves you.  In that moment you have two choices:  Set the bells down and quit  OR  grit your teeth and keep going.  If you quit it's over with and the pain can stop....but you still quit.  If you keep going you will may end up dropping the bell or having your legs go out from under you....but at least you know you gave it your best and that you faced the pain with a grin.

The set is hard right now.  I'm still in the fucking game though.  Time to tighten up and sail straight.

My mom was a pain in the ass and caused me a ton of grief.  She was a flawed individual.  And I loved her very much and I miss her like you cannot believe.

May she find peace with my father as she joins my ancestors.


Today's set


6 mins @ 2x28kg; 4 rpm = 24 reps

Stretch and done.

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