Monday, September 30, 2019


15 mins @ 28kg; 10 rpm

3x 100 @ 24kg

Armor building

Assault treadmill:
1 mile in 08:22


Sunday, September 29, 2019

Pulled 16-20 hr days the last 2 days.  

Easy recovery run:

2 miles on assault treadmill

Thursday, September 26, 2019


BJJ:  1 hr
Gotta get better at my timing from bottom to counter his top pressure.  Stymied all subs and almost landed a nasty d’arce but lost it.

15x 185 lbs
15x 185 lbs
25x @ bw

3x15 @ 100 lbs

Ring pushups:


Ttl training time:  1.5 hrs

15 mins @ 22kg; 15 rpm

3x100 reps @ 24kg

Armor building

5k in 23:44


Monday, September 23, 2019

BJJ: 1 hr Lively half guard game turning it to a top game. Lots of of solid pressure from me and he got no subs. He also got a lot more spry than before with his movements. Good stuff.

 Dips: slow count


 SQ: 100 reps

 Run: 1 mile in 08:08
No BJJ today. Woke up with a bad sinus headache due to us going into the dry season. Tons of dust in the air. Later...

 PP: 10 mins @ 28kg; 130 reps

 Swings: 300 @ 22kg
 200 @ 22kg

 Armor building

 Run: 1 mile in 07:01


Sunday, September 22, 2019

Warmup Row: 5k in 24:27 Yoga and grappling movements as a cool down

Friday, September 20, 2019

Warmup SQ: 25 reps @ 165 lbs 25 reps @ bw T-row: 3x12 @ 100 lbs Ring push-up: 3x15 Stretching

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Stayed up to take my final exam for this term. 10 more classes to go and I will be done with this degree. Subsequently, I only got 3 hrs of sleep. Easy session today. Warmup BJJ: 1 hr Was the nail today. Slow on the scramble so spent most of my time on bottom. Been using “pensador” framing to make him pay for his killer top pressure. Feeling worked over though. OAJ: 12 mins @ 22kg; 16 rpm Swing: 250 reps @ 22kg 250 reps @ 22kg No row today. Will make it up on the weekend with a 10k. Stretching Thinking about lengthening the OAJ sets for a bit. Maybe try and get a routine 15-20 mins set in and then begin increasing rpms again.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Warmup BJJ: 1 hr Played a livelier top game using toreando pass and then worked on various back takes and chokes. Guard game was emphasized on bottom and worked an arm lock or two. Since he’s bigger really focused on timing to set my attacks up. Worked well. Dips: 3x20 Chins: 3x10 SQ: 100 reps @ bw Debating on whether to increase reps on dips or to add a little weight.
Grappling partner was a no show, so... Warmup PP: 14 mins @ 28kg; 140 reps Swing: 250 reps @ 22kg 250 reps @ 22kg Armor building Row: 5k in 24:01 Stretching

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Got talked into going for a longer trail run. Run: 10 miles in about 1.5 hrs Stretching

Friday, September 13, 2019

BJJ: 1 hr Managed a no gi cross collar using his trap meat as grips. It was nasty. Stayed on top more and managed a few half guard sweeps SQ: 25 reps @ 155 lbs 25 reps @ bw Ring Pushups: 3x15 T-Row: 3x15 @ 90lbs Stretching

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Warmup OAJ: 10 mins @ 22kg; 20 rpm Swing: 200 reps @ 22kg 200 reps @ 22kg Armor building Row: 5k in 22:39 Stretching

Monday, September 9, 2019

BJJ 1 hr: Lots of half guard and staying on top. Some guillotine chokes and basic movements. Got tapped out a few as well. Training partner says it’s getting harder to tie me up. Progress? Dips: 3x20 Chins: 3x10 SQ: 100 reps @ bw Armor building
Warmup BJJ: 1 hr More fluid and made a point to use my feet and legs more. Played half guard a fair bit. Solid session. PP: 12 mins @ 28kg; 130 reps Swings: 200 reps @ 22kg 200 reps @ 22kg Armor building Run: 1.5 miles easy pace Stretching

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Warmup Rower: 5km in 23:31 Stretch

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Warmup OAJ: 10 mins @ 22kg; 20 rpm Swings: 150 @ 22kg 150 @ 22kg Armor building Row: 5k in 27:05 Stretch

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Warmup BJJ. Good movement stuff. Got complimented on my ability to throw choke attempts from anywhere. Gibbons arms for the win. Need to work on small man jiu jitsu. I am a small man. Dips: 3x15 Chins: 3x8 SQ: 100 reps Armor building

Monday, September 2, 2019

Warmup PP: 12 mins @ 28kg; 10 rpm Swings: 150 reps @ 22kg 150 reps @ 22kg Armor building Run: 1.5 miles easy pace Stretching Building volume with the lighter swings. Also the handle is closer to a comp diameter on the 22kg AND it’s inside, which makes a big difference when it’s 43C outside. Speaking of handles, the 28kg was made better by some careful sanding but the bell placement digs into the meat of my forearm fiercely. Will definitely have more “kettlebell bump” from this bell.