Friday, January 28, 2011

3.5 mins @ 2x24kg; 8 rpm
2 mins @ 2x24kg; 8 rpm
2x1 mins @ 2x24kg; 10 rpm

44kg; 5L/5R
44kg; 3L/3R

Played with dragon flags and some knees to elbows.

The 3.5 mins had me breathing some but not too badly. The 2 mins set had me a bit wheezy but I just lost my breath being careless. The OAJ felt like I could get about 8 reps on my right arm but I did not want to push it. Feeling decent. Slow and steady.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Today= rough day w/ only about 7 hrs of sleep for the last 2 days. Fell asleep while waiting for the computer to turn on so I could get Pandora going. Talked myself into and said fuck it.

2 mins @ 2x32kg; 4 rpm
2 mins @ 2x32kg; 4 rpm
2 mins @ 2x32kg; 4 rpm

SQ: 3x5 @ 2x24kg

3x6 (pause at top)

Decided to do some timed work with the 32's just for a break. Finding that the density rep avg for me is 45 but this timed work had me breathing. May do this instead of density work at times instead of waiting to hit 60 reps.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I want to lift today but it's an off day, a really rainy one at that. So:

JM: 10 mins; focus on SIJ, hip, lumbar, and shoulders

Played with 8kg windmills

Monday, January 24, 2011


6 mins @ 2x24kg; 6 rpm (wanted to do more but my legs are still fatigued from riding home last night)

32kg; 10L/10R
32kg; 5L/5R
24k; 10L/10R

Played with L-sits.

My performance with the 24's sucks. The bike may be part of the problem but I think that I have neglected the long sets too much over the past couple of months. Definitely gonna have to work on this.

Been thinking about the addition of the bike for commuting purposes and the effect that this will have on my performance with the bells.

Here are some things that need to happen from a sport standpoint:
* Increase overall volume with the 32's via density work until 60 reps then start easing over to a timed set focus
* Increase speed work with the 24's. Ideally I would like to hit 10 rpm for at least 5 mins or more.

Overall fitness things:
*Use bike as transport and as a means of low impact conditioning/GPP
*As it warms up, throw some on off days

All that being said, I will probably stick with the overall format that has been working. Only changes will be to trade one of my heavy (32kg) days for a longer set with the 24's. That will leave me with a set up of this:

Day 1:
Longish/slow sets with the 24s
Core work
Accessory (HSN, OALC, Press, etc)

Day 2:
Density work with 32's

Day 3:
Multiple sets of fast work with 24's (8-10 rpm)
Core work
Accessory (HSN, OALC, Press, etc)

Off days: Gripper work, throwing, and of course using the bike for commuting when I feel up to it.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

20 miles commuting. With a 10lbs pack on you it makes that ride a little less easy.

Friday, January 21, 2011

3x 4,5,6 @ 2x32kg; 45 reps

Played with dragon flags and windmills for cool down/core work.

***note to self: slow down on the coffee and drink some water you fucker. Once you hit 60 reps focus on regaining some mobility. You suck.*****

I was ready to go til I got home and the wife surprised me with lunch and other distractions. Took the wind out of my sails and I was not in the game with this session.

My left hip/lumbar/SI joint area is still a little peckish but it held up fine, that being said I did only my LC work. I think I know what I am doing to cause this injury. When I am dropping the bells from the lockout and catching them in the rack, there is very little tension in my abdominals. While I could get away with this at lighter weights it seems I have to nip this in the bud for the 32s. Looking over my log has shown that I have done no real core work for a long while. Now, I don't think it is absolutely necessary but I figure it couldn't hurt to work on stabilizing the area a bit more.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

3 mins @ 2x24kg; 8 rpm
2 mins @ 2x24kg; 8 rpm
1 mins @ 2x24kg; 8 rpm

3x5 @ 2x24kg

2x4@ 16kg
1x8 @ bw

After receiving some advice I figured I would try out some higher rpm stuff with the 24s. It seems that I can handle 3-5 mins at 8 rpm without keeling over. Gonna play with this more.

Monday, January 17, 2011

20 miles @ commuting pace (some hills)

Bike ride has left my lower back with an all too familiar twinge so no real ballistic loading of the spine or legs just to be safe. Ibuprofen to follow.

Press: 10-8-6-4-2
DSQ: 2x5; slow and hold the positions for stretching
3x3 @ "1"
1x1 @ "2" (assist)

Friday, January 14, 2011

3x 4,5,6 @ 2x32kg; 45 reps


4x3 @ 44kg; 12L/12R

Stretch and EAT!!!

Still working on just building the strength & volume with the 32s. The next workout will be the same. Next Friday I may up the reps but I am iffy.

I want to test out a timed set but I am going to hold off until I hit 60 reps in a density workout. I will continue uping the time with the 24's just to get my head ready for longer sets. It is sad when the body is able but the mind wants to wimp out.

On a side note, I will add in some cycling since I am now able to ride to work again. The rides will be SLOW and relaxing.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

6 mins @ 2x24kg; 5 rpm
4 mins @ 2x24kg; 5 rpm


Feeling strong but will stick with 6 mins while uping the RPM's and changing the duration of the mini-sets.

Was going to do a 3 min set @ 6rpm but my mid lumbar region was still feeling pinched. Gonna stretch it out good and rest up. Will see how things go on Friday.

Monday, January 10, 2011

3x 4,4,6 @ 2x32kg; 42 reps

Press: 2x10@ 24kg; 20L/20R

DSQ: 15 reps

Had some nagging pinching going on in my right mid lumbar as the bells came down into the rack after my jerks. This only happened if I flat out let them drop. A little more focus on form seemed to ease it up, but I will be keeping an eye on this.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

OH stone throw: approx 15 reps @ 35 lbs

WFD: 24 kg; 10L/10R

WFH: 24kg; 10L/10R

HSN: 15 mins @ 12kg; 200 reps (100L/100R)

I don't often log my throwing sessions due to it being more for fun and in all honesty I just eyeball my distances. Today the 24kg felt lighter than it has in a while and my throws felt like my shit was working well together. I definitely threw further than I was a month ago.

The HSN was tossed in for some cardio. I could have gone faster and longer than I did...much longer. I might try a 20-30 min set at some point in the near future just to see if I can.

Friday, January 7, 2011

4x 2,3,5 @ 2x32kg; 40 reps

DSQ: 15 reps

Stretch: 5 mins

Have folks coming over so this was short and sweet. I really thought about putting it off til tomorrow due to me being a lazy puss but the 32's felt pretty damn easy today. Gonna up the high rung of the ladder to 6 and see how I fair.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

5 mins @ 2x24kg; 5 rpm
3 mins @ 2x24kg; 5 rpm
2 mins @ 2x24kg; 5 rpm

2x8 @ 16kg

Felt pretty good, if a bit out of breath due to a coughing fit 1/2 way through the first set. I think the worst of my congestion is gone. I am a bit stiff from roller skating for 2 hours with the Wif. She is gonna be trying out for roller derby so I am probably gonna be getting some rink time in with her for support.

Gonna hit the 32s on Friday and probably do a long set of HSN with the 16 for some conditioning.

Monday, January 3, 2011

3x 2, 4, 4 @ 2x32kg; 30 reps



Walk/jog: 2 miles with wif and dogs