Wednesday, December 5, 2012


6 mins @ 2x28kg; 4 rpm = 24 reps

3 mins @ 2x28kg; 10 rpm = 30 reps

2 miles in 20 mins

Wanted to keep it slow on the LC training for two reasons:
     1) I wanted to slow it down, focus on good technique, and let myself get in the groove of the movements.
     2) I didn't want to go to fast and end up reopening my palm, thus limiting my ability to do the assistance      
         clean set.

LC felt good.  Still getting in the groove and the muscles in my chest tightened up some from the combined clean and jerks.  I really liked the slower pace and would not mind pushing this to 10 mins just because my body really doesn't like being under the bells for that long.  I can see that my body, stomach and muscles, would rather go all out for a brief 5-6 mins and then stop.

Cleans felt nice and easy.  Lower back was a little prefatigued from the LC set but nothing bad.  Was going for a 5 min set but the tear on my hand started threatening to open so I called it at 30 reps.  Better have a shorter day today and still be able to train come Friday.

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