Saturday, November 3, 2012


4 mins @ 2x28kg; 7 rpm = 28 reps

1.5 miles in 12 mins

Stretch and done.

Ran all night at work so no sleep.  Got a headache from hell so I opted for a quick session.  Got it but my head was killing me at the end and my grip was going in the cleans.  About 30 reps seems to be where I am hitting a wall with the grip.  Technique has to change and my endurance needs to start climbing.

..........Took a nap and felt like doing more..............

LC w/ double cleans:
4 mins @ 2x28kg; 3 rpm = 12 jerks/ 24 cleans

Stretch and done.

Tried to make the thumbs a little more neutral and let the elbows stay in close to the hips.  Grip was tired but not as bad as the earlier set.  Still getting some rubbing on the palm underneath the pinky and ring fingers though.  Gotta focus on hook grip.

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