Sunday, December 7, 2008


Well, my shoulder seems to be on the mend after a week of no lifting and a fire-cupping session...ah the beauty of having no insurance. Anyhow, I did a light set of swings tonight (50 reps) with the 16kg KB along with some stretch work to loosen up a slightly pulled glute that I incurred while hunting today. There was some light strain on the medial head of the deltoid. Depending on how the shoulder feels tomorrow, I should be back on track and ready to start on a new routine.

The routine is designed to increase my overall strength to bodyweight ratio with an emphasis on power over time. This still constitutes my winter training routine for the upcoming criterium season. I am hoping that my physique comes out looking leaner and denser than in the past year but hopes don't exactly do much. We will see. What I do KNOW is that this routine will definitely kick start my work capacity in the right direction for overall sprinting ability on the bike without a loss of mass and strength.

Day 1: KB Front Squats
Jump squats
KB Swings
Handstand/Planche work

Day OFF: Run/Cycle & Stretch

Day 2: Barbell Work: Deads, Snatch, C&J done mainly in circuit fashion in a GJ's manner
with bodyweight movements (Knees to Elbows, Chins, burpees, pushups)

Day OFF: Run/Cycle & Stretch

Day 3:
Ring Dips
KB Snatches

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