Thursday, May 13, 2010

LC: 2 min @ 2x24kg; 8 rpm
LC: 3-2-1 @ 2x24kg; 3 rpm

PU/Chin Complex: 3x5

BW @ 180 lbs at the moment.

Doing these timed ladders, I am feeling a lot more solid and confident using the 24's. I can definitely tell that my work capacity with them has increased. Overall my physique is staying about the same with my bw staying in the low 180's and my bf% staying in the low teens. All in all I will agree that as a means of getting the ultimate beach body, timed sets is not the way to go....BUT it does lend itself to a decent physique if diet is maintained. I will probably venture more towards looking sexy once I hit my Rank I numbers, until then it will be this style of working out.


Alex said...

nice! glad to hear it is working for ya mang.

Ataraxium said...

Thanks bro.