Friday, August 7, 2009


Daily Dozen

Burpees: 2x25 reps
Squats: 50 reps w/ 45 lbs pack
Chins: 3x8 w/ 45 lbs pack
Press: 50 reps @ 2x16 kg

Finishing up my WTF week. Next week will be active recovery so lots of yoga, bw, and whatnot. I had originally planned to start hitting up the barbell movements again with school kicking off in a week. Unfortunately I am looking at having to work 40+ hours a week and take about 16 hrs worth of classes to graduate on time(read BUSY). This may keep me from the gym, with its inflexible hours, and at the house working with the kettlebells. Gonna ponder this conundrum for a bit and see if it will be manageable to have decent gym time or just come up with some "hard living comrade" kookballery.

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