6 mins @ 2x24kg; 6 rpm (wanted to do more but my legs are still fatigued from riding home last night)
32kg; 10L/10R
32kg; 5L/5R
24k; 10L/10R
Played with L-sits.
My performance with the 24's sucks. The bike may be part of the problem but I think that I have neglected the long sets too much over the past couple of months. Definitely gonna have to work on this.
Been thinking about the addition of the bike for commuting purposes and the effect that this will have on my performance with the bells.
Here are some things that need to happen from a sport standpoint:
* Increase overall volume with the 32's via density work until 60 reps then start easing over to a timed set focus
* Increase speed work with the 24's. Ideally I would like to hit 10 rpm for at least 5 mins or more.
Overall fitness things:
*Use bike as transport and as a means of low impact conditioning/GPP
*As it warms up, throw some on off days
All that being said, I will probably stick with the overall format that has been working. Only changes will be to trade one of my heavy (32kg) days for a longer set with the 24's. That will leave me with a set up of this:
Day 1:
Longish/slow sets with the 24s
Core work
Accessory (HSN, OALC, Press, etc)
Day 2:
Density work with 32's
Day 3:
Multiple sets of fast work with 24's (8-10 rpm)
Core work
Accessory (HSN, OALC, Press, etc)
Off days: Gripper work, throwing, and of course using the bike for commuting when I feel up to it.