Friday, January 18, 2013

Obstacle Stress Test:

100 yd sprint

(From here on all in full gear and mask = approx 50 lbs: when not actually performing an evolution you must march in place); all with no breaks in between.

40 reps

Hose shoulder and carry:
42 lbs for 3 stories; up and down

Hose Haul:
42 lbs up the side of 3 story building; hand over hand method up and down

Search and rescue:
Hands and knees wall search; drag 175 lbs dummy out with teammate all in complete darkness

Tool Carry/Farmers Walk:
50 lbs in one hand and 25 lbs in the other (with partner supporting other side of apparatus/weight) 1/2 mile; multiple change ups with partner

Pike Breach and Pull:
10L/10R @ 50 lbs

Obstacle crawl and Confined Space crawl:
Finished with no hang ups

Balance beam walk w/ straight roll of hose:
42 lbs for approx 10 ft then back again; total of 20 ft

Tire & Sledge Hammer:
10 lbs hammer; 10L/10R

Tire Flip:
20 reps @ Approx 250 lbs

My partner and I were in the top 5 that finished first and then went back to assist others that were struggling.

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