Tuesday, March 2, 2010

LC: 3x10 reps @ 2x24kg; 1 min rest per set
FSQ: 3x5 @ 2x24kg
Chin: 3x5
Stretch: 10 mins

Working on building general work capacity and volumes with the 24's. After I get to where I am going I will worry about my Rank I numbers. I feel weak with these damn things. I will be tossing some timed sets in every now and again. Main focus will consist of volume work along with timed sets with the 16's and OALC with the 32 along with BW stuff cuz it is good for me.


Alex said...

Nice. It is hard to keep things interesting when we are only working on 2 lifts eh?

Ataraxium said...

Very much Alex. My training ADD kicks in and I want to start messing with stuff. I am going to continue to build volume with the 24's and hopefully get to a 100 rep count per workout soon. At that point I will begin honing in on the Rank I numbers more intensely.