Tuesday, October 8, 2019

BJJ: 45 mins no rest

Fun roll.  Partner was lively as hell and I was on my ass first thing.  Framing like a mofo and eventually managed some shin shield to get guard.  From there sweep and worked my top game.  Never let him recompose after that.  Managed a choke and a straight arm lock.  Stymied his attempts.  

Arm shit is rough since he’s bigger/stronger & has t-rex arms.  Chokes aren’t much better since he doesn’t have much of a neck.  Good shit. Curious to see how 3-6x a week with an opponent who outweighs me by 60 lbs and same skill level effects my skill set.

Dips: slow


100 reps @ bw


Later gonna help teach a beginners class.

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