Saturday, July 30, 2011

2x 10-6-4 @ 2x32kg; just enough rest between each to catch my breath=40 reps

25 reps @ 16kg

The first set of LC felt like shit but I got in the groove after that. The 2nd set of 10 felt easier than the 1st set of 6. Good shit.

Chins were gravy.

Gonna try and hit some parkour-ish shit later this evening with a friend.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

8x10 reps @ 2x24kg just enough rest to get the HR steady

3x 6-5-4

3x 6-5-4

Decided to just do more volume on LC today. Rest between the sets of 10 was just long enough for breathing and HR to feel decent. Never more than 2 mins and never lower than 30 secs.

Grind lifts were gravy.

Friday, July 22, 2011

15 mins @ 24kg; 6 rpm

3x 2-3-4 @ 2x32kg

3x 2-3-4 @ 24kg

Stretch and done.

I realized after I did the workout that my next OALC jump should have been 14 mins. Oh well, that would explain why 15 mins sucked. Had some definite forearm burn on both arms but that ain't no thang.

FSQ's felt good. Glad to be doing this with the 32's. Gonna repeat this same workload next session. My only complaint with them is that it caused some tightening of the piriformis but it was handled by some rolling afterwards.

PU's were aight.

Bought a Rumble Roller, small black one, and I cannot wait for it to arrive. I have heard that these things work magic so here is hoping. If this thing nips my back/hip pain then I will be a VERY happy camper.

In other news, my wife and I agreed that we are trying to save money and that $160/ month was just too high to spend on two bjj classes a week. Instead of that she decided to do the Couch to 5k program with me and do 1-2 runs in the Xterra series in GA this Fall. Good shit. Since the running on any of the levels are that hard for me I will just consider this GPP and enjoy it. This is mainly for her/us time. I am glad she is wanting to do this with me.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Back felt much better today. Still did some "flossing"/stretching throughout the day.

Got home and then this:

3-4 mile jog/walk with the Wooly.

Chin/pushup combo: 4x3

More stretching and relax.

BW is sitting steady at 180 lbs and aside from the piriformis issue I am feeling hail. Gonna try and steal a couple of medium to large field stones for the house.

Tomorrow will be an off day and Friday will see me shooting for a 15 mins OALC set w/ the 24kg.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Stretching, alot of stretching and rolling= pale, teary eyed, and sweaty Dunn.

Was planning on not doing LC to make certain that this piriformis issue is fixed. In light of that, I felt froggy and did LC...

2x 10-6-4 @ 2x32kg; just enough rest between each to catch my breath=40 reps

3x7 @ 16kg

Random club work and full body stretching (dislocates, skin the cats, plow, bridging, etc)

Back felt solid after the warm up and stayed steady during the cool down, had a few cramps in the bridge. Meh

LC felt good and the 32's felt lighter than they have in a long time. Gonna try for another 2-3 mile walk/jog tomorrow with the Wif and pups.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Had a flare up of the piriformis/sciatic nerve last night while playing with my niece and nephew. Spent the day doing seated stretching and working on the amberlamps.

At home:

2 mile jog/run with Wif and pups
Assorted grip faggotry

More stretching to follow tonight and then probably some LC tomorrow afternoon.

Friday, July 15, 2011

After approximately +4000mg of ibuprofen over the last 3 days along with compression and ice, my elbow is felt great today. This meant a decent attempt at a lift session despite feeling tired after a 24hr shift + school all day.


5 mins @ 2x24kg; 6 rpm

3x 5-4-3 @ 2x24kg

2x 5-4-3 @ 2x24kg

Elbow held up fine but gonna ice, compress, and dose with ibuprofen one more night just to be safe.

Everything felt good. LC was a nice slow jog. Gonna crank up the rpms again next week.

After reading my log here from the beginning I gotta say I am an ADD muthafucker that has gotten weak from cycling and then the ballistic lifts. This is why I added in the grind lifts tonight. Gonna keep up with this from here on out. Pressing the 32's for 10-20 reps non stop.....not even close right now. Maybe could get 6 reps right now.

Conditioning and strength wise, I was better back when I was doing heavy lifting with GS stuff as my conditioning. In many ways I think my inexperience with the bells and lack of technique was a major road block to my GS work more than my lack of strength was. Now that I have gotten a relatively decent bit of "special endurance" and technique, I am going to work back up to being strong. Will I hit MS or CMS in the next 2 years...dunno. Rank I definitely and CMS numbers are within reach I think, but I want to be able to move heavy shit and look good again. Plain and simple.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

13 mins @ 24kg; 6 rpm

4-5-6 @ 2x24kg

3x8 @ 16kg

This last week I have had a nagging feeling in my right elbow. It has been intermittent and mainly when I am driving the amberlamps or during the latter part of a long set of swings. I will roll out my forearms and lay low on the swing volume just in case. Will reasses in a week to see if something else needs to change. I know two lifters who have gotten major inflammation OR tendinitis and I refuse to have it cut my progress. If this means cutting volume and/or intensity sets then that is fine. Little progress beats sliding backward.

BW is 182 and climbing. Diet has been fairly healthy. Wife says it looks like and just getting more solid. No additional tub being added that I can see.

Friday, July 8, 2011

3 mins @ 2x32kg; 5 reps at the top of the min= 15 reps
2 mins @ 2x32kg; 6 reps at the top of the min= 12 reps
1 mins @ 2x32kg; 6 reps = 6 reps

3x6 @ 16kg

150 reps @ 16kg

Felt decent and was wanting some faster sets with the 32's. LC had my HR up some so I waited til it normalized a bit and hit the next set. Gonna play with this set up some to just spend some more time under them before I drop them, maybe even getting to 2-3 mins @ 8-10 reps on the min. This would make for very little rest before I pick them up again. We will see.

Chins and swings are magic manna, as always. It is sad but I remember back when doing sets of 5-8 reps of chins with 70lbs hanging from me was nothing. Oh how I have enduro-faggotized. I blame it on the cycling followed by GS. Oh well. Slow and steady back to the top. I am probably healthier now anyhow, plus I ain't got no Vitamin-S to help with the recovery this time around.

On that note, I look back and ask myself if I had the contacts and cash would I do them again. At 28 I am at my peak as far as having recovery and a little more self-governing common sense on my side. I would like to say that I wouldn't since I know that it don't do shit unless you have the time to eat and work more...which I don't necessarily have. At age 30-36 who knows. I can honestly say that I am pretty certain my natural test levels are a bit skewed from playing with the stuff earlier than I should have but eh. The next 5 years will be interesting.

Enough gay navel gazing, time to eat.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Been a busy week but now two days off. Quit the Crazy House. Peace of mind increasing.


3 mins @ 2x24kg; 6 rpm
3 mins @ 2x24kg; 7 rpm
2 mins @ 2x24kg; 10 rpm

2x1-2-3 @ 80kg

Swings might happen tonight after dinner and some chill time with the bro's in-laws. PP was easy peasy. Probably still have a single or two for 225 but we will see how this goes. 300 in the future???? Who the fuck knows or cares. It is a side goal that would be awesome but does not take precedence over the GS-lite stuff I am doing...especially my focus on putting respectable numbers up with the 32s at Shetler's next meet in the fall.

Friday, July 1, 2011


12 mins @ 24kg; 6 rpm

3-4-5x 3 @ 2x24kg

3x8 @ 20lbs

OALC had my grip burning but in a good way. Wrist felt fine. Sleeping much better. SHUGYO!!!!