Typical Warmup
LC: 6 min @ 2x24kg; 6 rpm
Swing: 4 min @ 24kg; 30 rpm
This was minimal but tough after a 12 hr shift at work. Feel good but tired. I just realized that I still have to qualify with the 20kg's to even attempt to make a fool out of myself with the 24's. I am going to try and touch base with a friend and see if I can use his 20kg's to get a video submission....otherwise I am lifting the 16kg's and that is no bueno for me.
I also recall being asked by someone about which is harder, hitting the long set duration or up'ing your rpm's. I stand by my earlier statement of raising the rpm's. Lasting the duration is rough mentally, getting those extra reps taxes the body. If your breathing or technique is off you will feel it quickly.
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