Put on some Dropkick and said fuck it.
LC: 5 min @ 2x24kg; 5 rpm
OALC: 8 min @ 16 kg; 10 rpm (switch on the min)
Chin: 2x15
Feeling the need to get the HR up with the lighter bell. I have noticed that the pain/stiffness in my left knee and lower left lumbar decreases dramatically if I take a day off in between my workouts. My focus is still LC along with various other things for back, leg, and hip strength/health. I would ideally like to get back into BB work to flesh out some but that is a ways off. I want to at least hit my Rank I numbers before I start fucking with the BB.
On another note, less than a month away from taking National Registry Exam for my EMT license. I feel stoked.