Monday, August 30, 2010

Warmup: 5 mins
SSLC: 4 min @ 32kg; 8 rpm
Stretch: 5 mins

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Good warmup focused on lower back, glutes, and hams.

LC: 4 min @ 2x24kg; 6 rpm
LC: 6 min @ 2x16 kg; 6 rpm

I went into the 24kg set knowing that I would gas early but I expected to get a bit more than 4 minutes. Working an all nighter takes its toll on me, I can see. The 16's felt easy but I did not want to bonk on those as well and kill my desire to train tomorrow. If it does not look like I can get with someone who has 2 20k's then I will have to compete with the 16's. Since I will also be competing in the SSLC I am not all that worried if that happens.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Tweaked my back. Real tight in the lower lumbar/glute area. Gonna get the wife to massage. Some yoga to loosen up and that is all.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

S-32 LC: 16R/17L


Monday, August 23, 2010

[b][u]AM Work:[/u][/b]
Typical WU

LC: 5-4-3-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-3-4-5-4-3-2; @ 2x24kg; 30 sec rest between each = 56 reps

[b][u]PM Work:[/u][/b]
To be determined

Friday, August 20, 2010

Typical Warmup

LC: 6 min @ 2x24kg; 6 rpm
Swing: 4 min @ 24kg; 30 rpm

This was minimal but tough after a 12 hr shift at work. Feel good but tired. I just realized that I still have to qualify with the 20kg's to even attempt to make a fool out of myself with the 24's. I am going to try and touch base with a friend and see if I can use his 20kg's to get a video submission....otherwise I am lifting the 16kg's and that is no bueno for me.

I also recall being asked by someone about which is harder, hitting the long set duration or up'ing your rpm's. I stand by my earlier statement of raising the rpm's. Lasting the duration is rough mentally, getting those extra reps taxes the body. If your breathing or technique is off you will feel it quickly.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Rest Day:

Yoga-lite: 20 mins

Focus was on lower back, hammies, and shoulders. I made a point to pay close attention to where I was hurting, tensing, and relaxing. The point was to utilize the stretching, active tensioning, and breathing to get the blood flowing into the rough bits...hopefully "flushing" the areas out. Judging from the way I feel now, mission accomplished.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Warmup of SLDL and Yoga

Morning set:
LC: 6 min @ 2x24kg; 6 rpm

PM set:
Rack Hold: 5 mins; focus on breathing and relaxing.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Shoulder Circles-> DSQ-> Plow: 2 rounds of 10
SLDL: 3x3 @ 2x24kg

LC: 6 min @ 2x24kg; 5 rpm
OALC: 2x2 min @ 32kg; 6 rpm
PU: 2x10

Dead Hangs
Passive Ham stretch

Friday, August 13, 2010

Feeling great.

Press: 8x3 @ 32kg; this felt easy
Swing: 3x12 @ 2x24kg
Press: 3x10 @ 2x16kg
SQ: 50 reps @ bw

Taking tomorrow off and gonna hit it up again on Sunday. I think that taking every other day off is helping me out.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Put on some Dropkick and said fuck it.

LC: 5 min @ 2x24kg; 5 rpm
OALC: 8 min @ 16 kg; 10 rpm (switch on the min)
Chin: 2x15

Feeling the need to get the HR up with the lighter bell. I have noticed that the pain/stiffness in my left knee and lower left lumbar decreases dramatically if I take a day off in between my workouts. My focus is still LC along with various other things for back, leg, and hip strength/health. I would ideally like to get back into BB work to flesh out some but that is a ways off. I want to at least hit my Rank I numbers before I start fucking with the BB.

On another note, less than a month away from taking National Registry Exam for my EMT license. I feel stoked.

Monday, August 9, 2010

SLDL: 3x3 @ 2x24kg
LC: 3x3 min @ 3 rpm
OALC: 8 min @ 16 kg; 8 rpm
PU: 3x10

I was hoping to get a long set in but my mental toughness is that of a little 4 yr old girl. I have to work on that.
Took the easy way out and did jerks and swings instead of LC. Calk it up to being a pussy.

Jerk: 5x10 @ 2x24kg; 100 reps
Swings: 5x10 @ 2x24kg; 50 reps
Chins: 5x5 reps

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Warm-up: 2 rounds of
Deck SQ-Plow: 10 reps
Pumps: 10 reps

SLDL: 3x6
LC: 7 min @ 2x24 kg; 5 rpm
PU: 6x5 reps

Core work/Cool down:

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Press: 25L/25R @ 32kg
GSQ: 50 reps @ 12kg + 60 lbs pack
Press: 2x8 @2x16kg
Core work: 10 min

Monday, August 2, 2010

LC: 6 min @ 2x24kg; 4 rpm
OAJ: 10L/10R @ 32kg
Swing: 3x10 @ 2x24kg
Chin: 2x15 reps