Monday, September 21, 2009

Wake up:
Abz of Yellowcake: @ 32 kg
Bent back SLDL: 20 reps
Side bends: 20 reps ea side
Back bends: 10 reps

Later at the in-laws:
Swings: 50 reps @ 24 kg
Snatch: 50 reps; 25L/25R @ 24 kg
Swings: 50 reps @ 24 kg
Dips: 30 reps @ bw
Chins: 30 reps @ bw

Bench: 5x155, 4x185, 3x195, 2x200, 4x185
FSQ: 5x155, 4x185, 3x200, 4x185, 5x155
Pwr curls: 5x5 @ 125

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