HSN: 6 mins @ 28kg; 10 rpm
Push-ups: 3x20
Rows: 3x15 @ 2x16kg
HR Run: 4 miles, 46:08
Another rinse and repeat. Kept the mileage low for the pup since it heated up decently today. Getting to the season where morning runs will be the norm with him or just keep to afternoon/evening walks.
HSN: 4x 2 mins @ 28kg; 10 rpm
Push-up: 3x20
Row: 3x15 @ 2x16kg
Greek shoulder circuit
HR Run: 3 miles, 36:00
HSN: 16 mins @ 22kg; 10 rpm
TRX push-up: 3x15
Chins: 3x6
Greek shoulder complex
Run: 4 miles; 40:04
Trying to hold off on run and HSN volume increases. I want to give my shoulder some time with small LC increases before I move anything else up. So for now, holding pattern for everything but LC.