I know a lot of folks have used running as assistance to GS. That being said, I am going to throw in my 2 cents anyway.
This is what I have noted going from running very little running to approx 10-15 miles a week in a short time. GS obviously allows you to work the legs and cardio-respiratory system in a similar fashion as running but I am still surprised at how quickly my mileage went up. At this point, approx 1 month, I can run 3-5 miles with no real discomfort. The only thing that was nagging me at first was the actual impact on the legs and that resolved itself pretty quickly.
As a combination I have seen my ability to push myself with the bells increase. Overall stamina and breathing are a lot easier even during the hard sets and it seems like backing off to a slower pace mid set is more of an option now. Before if I got into the red zone it was really hard for me to back down without setting down the bells. Now, not such a big deal.
I definitely want to see how the addition of the running and moving to heavier bells affect one another and my physique.