Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Press: 4x10@ 32 kg
Chins: 3x6 @ 45 lbs
Row: 4x10 @ 32 kg
Goblet Squat: 3x6 @ 32 kg & 45 lbs pack

PU: 1x3 w/ 105 lbs pack; used a scale and this equates to approx 250 lbs with the BW involved in the PU (145 lbs)


Rest Day

Daily Dozen
GTG thru out the day: CoC #1; 5 reps
Band work: pull aparts, curls, dislocates, etc


AKC Fitness Protocol Lvl 13 @ 16 kg
Jerk: 12 rpm
Snatch: 12 rpm
LC: 12 rpm

Chins: 30 reps
Pseudo PU: 30 reps


OAJ: 3x 3 min @ 24 kg; 10 rpm
Stone work: 30 mins @ 115 lbs; consisted of walks, deads, cleans, and a few presses


OAJ: 2x 3 min @ 24 kg; 10 rpm (felt easy)
Jump squat: 50 reps
Pushups: 30 reps
GTG: weighted chins @ 45 lbs


Press: 4x8 @ 32 kg
Chins: 3x6 @ 45 lbs
Row: 4x8 @ 32 kg
Goblet Squat: 3x6 @ 32 kg & 45 lbs pack

Monday, July 20, 2009


AKC Fitness Protocol Lvl 12 @ 16 kg
Jerk: 15 rpm
Snatch: 15 rpm
LC: 15 rpm

Trail run: 2 miles; fast pace
Chins: 20 reps
Dips 20 reps

Friday, July 17, 2009


Jerks: 2x16 kg; 40 reps(40%), 40 reps(40%), 40 reps(40%)= 120 reps(120%); 1 min rest/set
FS: 3x10 @ 2x16 kg
Pushup: 3x10 @ bw


Hip still feeling kind stiff so replaced Zerchers with goblet squats.

Press: 4x8 @ 32 kg
Chins: 3x6 @ 45 lbs
Row: 4x8 @ 32 kg
Squat: 100 reps w/ 16 kg

Monday, July 13, 2009


AKC Fitness Protocol LVL 12: 1 round @ 16 kg
Jerk: 15 RPM
Snatch: 15 RPM
C&J: 15 RPM

Jerks: 2x10 @ 32 kg
Swings: 50 @ 32 kg


YRG Fatburner

Jerks: 2x16 kg; 50 reps in 5 mins
Snatch: 10x3 @ 32 kg (no rest)
Pushups: 3x8 w/ 45 lbs pack

Daily Dozen
Stix Juggling: 20 mins; light intensity
Planche to L-seat Transition work
Straddle Planche work
Handstand work
TTL Time: 1 hr

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Press: 4x8 @ 32 kg
Row: 4x8 @ 32 kg
Zercher: 5x6 @ 145 lbs
Chin: 3x5 @ 45 lbs

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Daily Dozen
YRG Fatburner


AKC Fitness Protocol LVL 12: 1 round @ 16 kg
Jerk: 15 RPM
Snatch: 15 RPM
C&J: 15 RPM


Straddle Planche PU: 3x3
Box Jumps: 24" 3x10
L-seat Chins to Front Lever: 3x3

Friday, July 3, 2009

Jerks: 2x16 kg; 30(30%) reps, 30(30%) reps, 30(30%) reps, 30(30%) reps
FS: 2x25 @ 2x16 kg
Pushup: 3x7 @ 45 lbs
Knee to elbow: 3x5

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


These numbers felt good last week so I am gonna hold off on moving up in reps til next week.

Press: 4x7 @ 32 kg
Row: 4x7 @ 32 kg
Zercher: 5x5 @ 145 lbs
Chin: 3x5 @ 45 lbs