My own approach to Girevoy Sport and staying fit.
Run: 2 miles sub 20’
HSN: 8 mins @ 12kg; 14rpm
Made it 3000 push-ups in May without issue. Now it’s onto kb half snatch every weekday.
HSN: 4 mins @ 28kg; 12 rpm
TRX push/pull: 3x12
Arm work
Ruck: 1 mile @ 25lbs
Run: 2 miles
Push-ups: 100 reps
Dips/pull-ups: 3x10
HSN: 6 mins @ 24kg; 10 rpm
Ruck: 1 mile @ 25 lbs
Run: 2 miles, sub 20’
Gada work
BJJ later
Been slacking on journaling these. I’ve stuck with the same cadence of the last 2 weeks.
CL-SQ-PP: 4x5 @ 2x24kg
Rows: 3x12 @ 2x24kg
Hi rep arm work
Dip/chins: 3x10
Ruck: 1.12 miles @ 25 lbs
HSN: 6 mins @ 22kg; 12 rpm
Run: 2 miles sun 20’
Push-ups: 100
KB row: 3x10 @ 2x24kg
High rep arm work
BJJ: open mat, 5 min rounds for 1 hour
Run: 2 miles; 20:00
High rep band arm work
Funeral took up some time so no walk today.
Push-ups: 4x25
Ruck: 1.75 miles @ 25 lbs
Doing 100 reps a day for the month of May for the St Jude fundraiser