My own approach to Girevoy Sport and staying fit.
Run: 2 miles, sun 20’
Gada swings
BJJ: 1 hr & street sparring
Grandads apartment flooded from all the rain. Spent 3-4 hrs managing that.
CL-SQ-P: 5x5 @ 2x22kg
Push-up: 3x25
KB Rows: 3x10 @ 2x24kg
Arm work
Ruck: 1 mile @ 25 lbs
Friday….meant to post this then
Seesaw Press: 4x15 @ 2x22kg
Split SQ: 4x15
Band pullaparts: 100 reps
Isometrics throughout the day.
Ruck: 1.3 miles @ 25lbs
Building volume.
Run: 3 miles sub 30 mins
Gada work
Dips/Chins: 5x5
Run: 2 miles; 09:13/mi
Gada Swings: 100 reps
Gada holds
BJJ: 1 hr
CL-SQ-P: 4x5 @ 2x22kg
Ring push-up/Rows: 3x15
Ruck: 1.5 miles @ 25 lbs
HSN: 6 mins @ 22kg; 12 rpm
Seesaw Press: 4x12 @ 2x22kg
Run: 3 miles, 09:50/mi
Core work
Dips/Pull-ups: 4x5
Ruck: 1 mile @!25 lbs
Run: 1 mile; 09:02
Push-ups: 3x25
KB Rows: 3x15 @ 2x22kg
Ruck: 2 miles @ 25 lbs
Run: 3 miles, sub 30’
Gada Swings: 100 reps @ 30 lbs
Dips/Pull-ups: 4x4
Will be increasing the dips/pull-ups very slowly. Thinking to get to 5x5 and then work on reps in the 5 sets.
Run: 2 miles, 09:17/mi
Gada swings: 100 reps
BJJ: 1 hr, good rolls
CL-SQ-P: 4x4 @ 2x22kg
Ruck: 1.56 miles @ 25 lbs
Seesaw Press: 4x20 @ 2x16kg
Bulgarian SQ: 4x15/15
Band pull aparts: 100 reps
Run: 1 mile easy pace
Dips/Chins: 5x3
Very happy with the dips and chins