LC: 2x 2 mins @ 2x24kg; 5 rpm
OAJ: 4 mins @ 32kg; 5 rpm
Club Work: 5 mins
Wife ended up having to work until this afternoon so that puts me in N. Georgia too late to visit with Scott. Another time. In the mean time, I am tweaking my heavy day. I think that it is time to increase my time under the target bells (24's) and do away with the light set with the 16's on this day. Today was a trial and I did not feel like overreaching since the whole point of the protocol is to get enough work in to be effective without being drained/sore. Depending on how I feel tomorrow I will probably turn the 2 sets from today into a 4-5 min set with the target bells with a finisher of a OALC with the 32 for the same time.
Cheers and Merry Christmas to anyone who reads my drivel.